How to Become the White House

3 weeks ago, I was sleeping on the floor. I had a trailer skirt as a blanket.

It was the night before we'd show the world our tiny home.

While we had assembled it in the 9 days prior. Presenting our home was the culmination of our past 2 years of development.

Yet, ours wasn't done. A few more days would have went a long way.

While it was inhabitable, it didn't exactly feel like a home yet.

You could see spray foam around the doors, we had no lights, and our murphy bed was missing a mattress (hence the floor sleeping).

Regardless, it was show time!

I tried to conceal the fact that I hadn't showered with a bright smile as people stepped up to our front doors, intrigued by the mirror siding.

We tried focusing on the good, directing peoples attention to our transformable furniture, astronaut toilet, and water filtration systems.

If anyone started narrowing their gaze towards the still-visible shims around the doors, we'd whip out "we actually built this in the past 9 days!", and their eyes would reliably widen.

Excitement is contagious.

Myself, Oliver, and Pooya and the Ottawa Tiny Home Show

Fast forward to now. We're going to the White House.

Latched on to our rented F250, our tiny home on wheels is making its way down to Washington, DC for the annual Innovate Housing Showcase.

Oliver's driving, Pooya's on vibes, and I'm writing this.

3 dudes; 1 tiny home; 1 mission: Become the White House.

It should be easy. All we need to do is:

  1. Arrive at the National Mall (literally pulling up right now)

  2. Park our home (note the mirror siding)

  3. Hope that we can find an angle that reflects the White House

  4. Absorb it in totality

You following?

We're a little unsure how the White House is going to take this.

It's entirely possible they'll want their White House back.

To prepare for that future, we need a ragtag group of renegades that are willing to keep this tiny revolution alive. Risk-takers; backyard architects; Pioneers.

12 of them, to be exact.

The majority of you came here for the Common Cave Plan Set. That means 195 of you (and counting!) like the idea of building something from scratch and are interested in small scale architecture.

Psst... me too

For all Pioneers, Oliver, Pooya and I will be flying out to build your unit in under 2 weeks. If you want to help us do it, I’ll hand you the hammer (alongside a liability waiver of course 😉).


or to participate.